The North Node: Your Destiny

You may have heard of the North Node and South Node in astrology. They are points where the Moon’s orbit crosses the ecliptic (the path of the Sun). The North Node is where we will be heading, and the South Node is where we are coming from.

The North Node is the place we are destined to go. This is our destiny and our purpose. The South Node is where we have been, the lessons of which we now carry with us. The North Node represents what we are meant to do with our lives — it's a guidepost on our life path that indicates where we need to be going next.

North Node in Aries South Node in Libra

This is a very fun, active, enthusiastic, courageous, assertive person who loves adventure, risk taking and being around people who are passionate about life! He/she is also very impulsive and spontaneous, but has a lot of energy so it’s easy for him/her to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time! People with this placement enjoy being around other people who are living their lives to the fullest! They may find themselves feeling restless if they aren’t doing something exciting or adventurous at all times! The North Node in Aries wants excitement in their life! If they don’t have it they can become bored easily and depressed because they aren’t living their best baddie life.

The North Node in Aries is someone who loves taking risks, especially when it comes to going after what he or she wants! When this person sees something that he/she wants he/she will go after it no matter what it takes! He/she doesn’t care if he/she gets hurt or what other people think about him/her; if he/she wants something bad enough then he/she will do whatever it takes to get it! This person also has a strong sense of self-confidence and faith in themselves that helps them through tough times!

Taurus North Node Scorpio South Node

The pursuit of establishing your own values and living your best life after a life of darkness. The people with this placement have experienced an early childhood that was marked by instability, chaos, and abuse. This can manifest in many ways: lack of emotional support from parents, physical abuse/neglect, mental illness, drug abuse, or some other form of trauma. As children, these individuals learned how to survive through any means necessary. They had to be strong and resilient because no one else would take care of them. They learned that they had to take care of themselves first - even if it meant sacrificing their own happiness at times - in order to avoid being hurt further by others around them. This is the blossoming of a stable soul.

Gemini North Node Sagittarius South Node

YOU are the thought leader. Sharing your creative expression is the key to your spiritual growth. Gemini North Node people are interested in many things and can be superficial. They want to know what everyone else is doing so they can compare themselves to others. They are attracted to those who can teach them new things or help them learn about different cultures and lifestyles. Being around people who know more than they do helps Gemini North Nodes feel more secure about their own knowledge.

Cancer North node Capricorn South Node

This is the feminine healing her ridged ways and learning to wax and wane with the moon. Cancer is about nurturing, loving and caring for others. It’s about being there for your family when they need you most. Cancer is about giving of yourself without expecting anything in return. This is a very important lesson for those with this combination because it will help them to learn how to give unconditionally and let go of the need to control others.

Capricorn is about taking control; it’s about being in charge of your life. It’s about doing things right and making sure everything works out as planned. This combination can make those with it feel like they have to take care of everyone else before themselves, which isn’t healthy at all! Learning how to relax and enjoy life will be key for these individuals, as well as learning how to let go of control during times that are not theirs to control (like other people).

Leo North Node Aquarius South Node

One of those Disney Storylines where the individual learns that it’s okay to be different and against the group. This person is packing up their things and leaving for the city based off of their gifts. They have a deep sense of self worth and know that they are meant for something big. This person knows who they are and what they want out of life. They don’t care about what other people think or say about them or their choices, because they know they are doing what is right for them and that is all that matters.

This is someone who has been through some sort of trauma or trial in their lives, but because of this, they have grown into a very strong person who can help others going through similar things.

They are a nurturer at heart and want to help others feel good about themselves, no matter what they look like on the outside or what challenges they might be facing right now in life

Virgo North Node South Node Pisces

You are the visionary and the dreamer, the one who sees all that is possible and has a plan to make it happen. You may not be able to see how this will happen, but you are willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen.

Virgo North Node wants you to be realistic about what you can accomplish in this lifetime. You have a long road ahead with many goals that may not be easily achievable or even worth achieving. You need to prioritize what truly matters to you and put your energy into those areas first.

You might find yourself feeling frustrated that nothing seems to be happening in your life. You might feel like you're stuck on the same path over and over again while other people seem to be moving forward at lightning speed (and you're wondering how they do it!). Virgo North Node wants you to slow down and get real about what's going on in your world right now so that you can move forward in a way that makes sense for you personally — not just because someone else told you it's what they did when they were feeling stuck like this too!

The truth is that Virgo North Node wants us all to take our time when making decisions; there's no rush here!

Libra North Node Aries South Node.

Are you a Libra North Node? This is the sign of material gworl! Chanel and pearls the trick that it take to keep the gworls! Material gworl!

When you have a Libra North Node, you have to work hard to balance your ego with the needs of others. If you are not careful, you can get caught up in your own drama and lose sight of what is really going on around you. The truth is that we are all connected and if we don’t care about each other, then who will?

Libra North Node people are always looking for balance in their life. They want to be fair with others, but also be fair to themselves. They have a tendency to give too much and expect very little in return. They tend to do things for other people out of guilt or obligation rather than because they really want to do them. This is not because they are selfish, but because they don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or leave anyone disappointed. Libra North Node people need to learn that it’s okay not everyone will like them or appreciate what they do for them. They will find that when they learn how to take care of themselves first, then they can truly help others without feeling overwhelmed by the process

Scorpio North Node Taurus South Node

Scorpio North Node, you are Thanos looking for the all infinity stones. Scorpio is about breaking down our reality and rebuilding it from scratch. It’s about stripping away all our preconceived notions and beliefs so we can see what’s really there. North Node Scorpio is a powerful force that can tear down structures in its path when needed, but it also has the ability to rebuild them better than ever before.

North Node Scorpio will often be seen as a villain by those who don’t understand their purpose or mission in life, simply because they are so focused on their goal that nothing else matters except getting there. This makes them appear cold and heartless at times when they are simply doing what needs to be done to get where they need to go next; which is usually a place of enlightenment and understanding through suffering.

When this energy is expressed positively it can lead people towards healing themselves through self-awareness, compassion (even if only towards themselves) and finally a deep understanding of how others feel when they themselves

Sagittarius North Node Gemini South Node

From seeker to sage. You are a nomad traveling from country to country eating new food, taking to new people and reading the writings on the walls of temples. *Queues in Temple Run music.

Sagittarius North Node is the desire to be free. To travel. To explore. To taste new cultures, new food, and new ideas.

The North Node in Sagittarius represents our destiny and our higher purpose in this lifetime. It's what we're here to learn, and it's what we're here to teach others. This is the wisdom we've learned from past lives that we're now bringing into this lifetime as our gifts to share with the world.

Capricorn North Node Cancer South Node

The North Node is in Capricorn. This means that you are about to enter a period of delayed or denied success and recognition.

If this is not what you want, then you need to shift your thinking. You can’t just wait for things to happen, or expect them to be handed over to you on a platter. You have to go out there and make them happen yourself!

If it doesn’t bring me public recognition and a shiny new trophy, I could care less about it.

You may feel restless and want to leave your current situation in order to pursue something more exciting or challenging; however, this can also create tension between you and those closest to you because they may not support this decision or understand why you want to make such a big change in your life at this time. If so, try explaining what’s going on for you and why this move would be beneficial for both of

Aquarius North Node Leo South Node

You are the inspiration. Could be that ole Leo razzle dazzle or the fact that no one wants to give them that ole razzle dazzle anymore. Your journey is learning that you are not only a visionary but a true innovator in society.

Your North Node is in Aquarius, which is about collective consciousness and humanitarian issues. You are here on Earth to help humanity evolve and change their thinking about themselves and their place in the world.

You have probably lived many lives as a humanitarian, dedicated to helping others evolve spiritually and intellectually. In this life, your mission is to take that knowledge and use it to inspire others to step up and make a difference in the world around them.

Pisces North Node Virgo South Node

Your north node is in Pisces and it will be important to learn how to let go of your need for logic. You’re that person with experiences with the things that go bump in the night and will try and rationalize your way through it. Mysticism exist not only in your dreams but inside of you. You are the master healer but in order to achieve that you have to let go of self criticism.

You have an ability to connect with others on a deep level and help them heal from their wounds. But you can also become obsessive about it, especially if you are dealing with someone who does not want or need healing at this time. In order for you to reach your full potential as a healer you must be able to have faith in yourself and not take things personally.

You have a tendency toward self-sacrifice, which can lead to feelings of martyrdom or self-loathing if you allow it. Learn how to put yourself first because no one else can do it for you.


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