How to Heal and Manifest Using Water.

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Water is the portal to the ethers, and just like everything else in this universe, it has its own vibration. We as creators have the power to influence the frequency of the water to heal ourselves and manifest our desires. 

The is a scientist named Dr. Emoto, who discovered that when he wrote specific emotions on containers full of water and then froze it the frozen water samples with the positive words had frozen into beautiful lattice patterns and the containers with negative words on them had no pattern.

Now that you know the science behind it and let’s get into the woo woo woo!

Here are 4 ways to use water to manifest and heal:

  1. Write it out.

You can do like Emoto and write out an affirmation on a water bottle or grab a sticky note and stick it to your glass of water. Visualize what you wrote and drink your water.

2. Crystal Tonics.

You can infuse your water with certain stones such as rose quartz, amethyst, or clear quartz. Clean and charge your stone with your intention. Sit crystals in your water overnight and drink when you rise.

3. Herbal Infused.

Such as water carries vibrations so do herbs. Like roses for love or bay leaf for healing. If you are into infusing your water with fruit( which also carries vibration) add a few herbs with the intention of what you want it to do with your water.

4. Talk to it.

The spirit of the water is present. At night take a glass of water an whisper a prayer or intention. Go to sleep and allow the water to speak to you in your dreams. Bonus points if you have a selenite tower bed by to absorb any negative vibrations.

Thank you for taking time to read this blog! I hope all of your dreams come true.


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