Roar Through the Lion’s Gate Portal: A Mystical Guide to This Cosmic Window

The mystical Lion’s Gate portal is opening on August 8th, bringing a powerful opportunity to manifest our heart’s desires. This annual portal opens when the Sun aligns with Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, forming a lion and flooding us with high-vibrational frequencies.

The Lion's Gate amplifies everything related to the heart chakra - intuition, emotions, relationships, and dreams. It’s a magical window for manifesting from the heart.

This portal also occurs in Leo, ruled by the Sun. So shine your inner light and let your lion roar! Follow these tips for harnessing the Lion’s Gate:

Manifestation Tips for the Lion's Gate:

Set clear intentions and feel them deeply

Release limiting beliefs about what you can achieve

Send new moon intentions out before 8/8

Write down specific goals and daily affirmations

Open to receive new opportunities

Potent Crystals to Use:

Green crystals like malachite and emerald to attract wealth

Rose quartz and rhodochrosite for self-love and relationships

Carnelian for confidence, courage and motivation

Clear quartz to amplify intentions

Rituals & Practices for Portal Energy:

Create a sacred altar with crystals and candles

Begin a heart-centered meditation practice

Chant the “Ra” mantra to invoke solar power

Call on Sirius energies outdoors

Write desired manifestations in a journal

Journal Prompts to Open the Heart:

What limiting beliefs can I release?

How can I give and receive more love?

What dream needs my focus?

What’s the highest potential of my open heart?

The portal closes on August 13th. Gather your crystals, set bold intentions, and roar through this cosmic gateway!


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Hey Black Girl! Try Healing Before Manifesting.